Break a list into chunks of size N in Python
Method 1: Using yield
The yield keyword enables a function to comeback where it left off when it is called again. This is the critical difference from a regular function. A regular function cannot comes back where it left off. The yield keyword helps a function to remember its state. The yield enables a function to suspend and resume while it turns in a value at the time of the suspension of the execution.
my_list = [ 'geeks' , 'for' , 'geeks' , 'like' , 'geeky' , 'nerdy' , 'geek' , 'love' , 'questions' , 'words' , 'life' ] # Yield successive n-sized # chunks from l. def divide_chunks(l, n): # looping till length l for i in range ( 0 , len (l), n): yield l[i:i + n] # How many elements each # list should have n = 5 x = list (divide_chunks(my_list, n)) print (x) |
[['geeks', 'for', 'geeks', 'like', 'geeky'], ['nerdy', 'geek', 'love', 'questions', 'words'], ['life']]
Method 2: Using List comprehension
List comprehension is an elegant way to break a list in one line of code.
my_list = [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 ] # How many elements each # list should have n = 4 # using list comprehension final = [my_list[i * n:(i + 1 ) * n] for i in range (( len (my_list) + n - 1 ) / / n )] print (final) |
[[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [9]]