Category: Python Database Tutorials

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Python MongoDB Connectivity

Python MongoDB Connectivity To create connection between Python programming language and MongoDB database, we need to first install pymongo driver. Here, we are creating an example that connects to the database and performs basic database operations. This example includes the following steps: 1) Install Driver $ pip install pymongo $ pip install pymongo<br /><br /><br /> 2) Create…
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Connect SQLite with Python

Connect SQLite with Python First you have to install Python and SQLite on your syatem. Install Python Use the following code: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade python sudo apt-get update<br /> sudo apt-get upgrade python<br /> Press y and installation will be completed within seconds. Install SQLite Installation steps type in the following command: sudo apt-get install sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev sudo apt-get install sqlite3…
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