Category: Kotlin Examples

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Kotlin Program to Add Two Integers

Kotlin Program to Add Two Integers In this program, you’ll learn to store and add two integer numbers in Kotlin. After addition, the final sum is displayed on the screen. Example: Kotlin Program to Add Two Integers fun main(args: Array<String>) { val first: Int = 10 val second: Int = 20 val sum = first…
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Kotlin Program to Print an Integer (Entered by the User)

Kotlin Program to Print an Integer (Entered by the User) In this program, you’ll learn to print an integer entered by the user. The integer is stored in a variable and printed to the screen using nextInt() and println() functions respectively. Example 1: How to Print an Integer entered by an user in Kotlin using…
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Kotlin Examples

Kotlin Examples The best way to learn any programming language is by practicing examples on your own. You are advised to take references of these examples and try them on your own. All Kotlin programs in this page are tested and should work on almost all Kotlin compilers. Feel free to use the source code…
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