Category: Python Programming Practice

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Python Programming Practice-Python input

Python Programming Practice-Python input The input function is a simple way for your program to get information from people using your program. Here is an example: name = input ( ‘ Enter your name: ‘ ) print ( ‘ Hello, ‘ , name)   The basic structure is variable name = input ( message to…
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Python Programming Practice-  TYPING THINGS IN

Python Programming Practice-  TYPING THINGS IN The argument to the print function is the calculation. Python will do the calculation and print out the numerical result. This program may seem too short and simple to be of much use, but there are many websites that have little utilities that do similar conversions, and their code…
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Python Programming Practice- A first program

Python Programming Practice -A first program   Start IDLE and open up a new window (choose New Window under the File Menu). Type in the following program. temp = eval ( input ( ‘ Enter a temperature in Celsius: ‘ )) print ( ‘ In Fahrenheit, that is ‘ , 9/5*temp+32)   Then, under the…
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