Python String format() Explain with EXAMPLES

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Power of Python String format(): A Comprehensive Guide with Examples


In Python, the format() method is a versatile tool for formatting strings, enabling dynamic insertion of values into predefined placeholders. This blog post aims to provide a comprehensive guide to the format() method, showcasing its capabilities through practical examples for a deeper understanding of its usage.

Understanding format() Method:

The format() method in Python is used to format strings by replacing placeholders with dynamic values. It provides a flexible and readable way to construct strings with variable content.

Basic Syntax:

formatted_string = "Some text with {} and {}".format(value1, value2)
  • {}: Placeholder in the string.
  • value1, value2: Values to be inserted into the placeholders.

Example 1: Basic Usage of format():

name = "Alice"
age = 25

greeting = "Hello, my name is {} and I am {} years old.".format(name, age)



Hello, my name is Alice and I am 25 years old.

In this example, the format() method replaces {} placeholders with the values of name and age.

Example 2: Formatting Numbers:

price = 29.99

formatted_price = "The price is ${:.2f}".format(price)



The price is $29.99

Here, the format() method is used to format a floating-point number with two decimal places.

Example 3: Specifying Placeholder Order:

course = "Python Programming"
duration = "3 weeks"

message = "Learn {} in just {} with our online course!".format(course, duration)



Learn Python Programming in just 3 weeks with our online course!

You can control the order of placeholder insertion by specifying the index inside the curly braces.

Example 4: Named Placeholders:

user_info = {"name": "Bob", "age": 30, "country": "USA"}

profile = "{name} is {age} years old and lives in {country}.".format(**user_info)



Bob is 30 years old and lives in USA.

By using named placeholders, you can directly reference values from a dictionary.

Best Practices:

  1. Positional and Keyword Arguments: The format() method supports both positional and keyword arguments, giving you flexibility in supplying values.

  2. Format Specification: Utilize format specification syntax within placeholders to control the formatting of values (e.g., precision for floating-point numbers).

  3. F-Strings (Python 3.6+): Consider using f-strings for a more concise and readable syntax in Python 3.6 and above.


The format() method in Python is a powerful tool for creating dynamic and well-structured strings. Whether you are generating user-friendly messages, constructing SQL queries, or formatting numerical data, format() proves to be a versatile companion. By mastering the nuances of its usage and incorporating it into your coding practices, you’ll enhance your ability to create clean, readable, and dynamic strings in Python.

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