C program to list files of a directory

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C program to list files of a directory

C program to list all files present in a directory/folder in which executable file of this program is present. For example, if the executable file is present in C:\\TC\\BIN then it will list all the files present in C:\\TC\\BIN.

C programming code (Turbo C compiler only)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <dir.h>

int main()
int done;
struct ffblk a;

printf(“Press any key to view the files in the current directory\n);


done = findfirst(“*.*”, &a, 0); // The first ‘*’ is for all file names and the second one is for all file extensions

printf(“%s\n, a.ff_name);
done = findnext(&a);

return 0;

Apparently, you will get a different output when you execute the program on your computer.

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