C program to swap two strings

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C program to swap two strings

C program to swap two strings, i.e., their contents are interchanged.

C programming code

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main()
char first[100], second[100], t[100];

printf(“Enter first string\n);

printf(“Enter second string\n);

printf(\nBefore Swapping\n);
printf(“First string: %s\n, first);
printf(“Second string: %s\n\n, second);

strcpy(t, first);
strcpy(first, second);
strcpy(second, t);

printf(“After Swapping\n);
printf(“First string: %s\n, first);
printf(“Second string: %s\n, second);

return 0;


Output of program:
Swap strings C program output

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