Different ways to clear a list in Python

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Different ways to clear a list in Python

There are many ways of clearing the list through methods of different constructs offered by Python language. Let’s try to understand each of the method one by one.

  • Method #1 : Using clear() method
    # Python program to clear a list
    # using clear() method
    # list of letters 
    GEEK = [6, 0, 4, 1]
    print('before clear:', GEEK) 
    # clearing vowels 
    print(' after clear:', GEEK) 


    python before clear: [6, 0, 4, 1]
    python after clear: []


  • Method #2 : Reinitializing the list : The initialization of the list in that scope, initializes the list with no value. i.e list of size 0. Let’s see the example demonstrating Method 1 and 2 to clear list
    # Python3 code to demonstrate 
    # clearing a list using
    # clear and Reinitializing 
    # Initializing lists
    list1 = [1, 2, 3]
    list2 = [5, 6, 7]
    # Printing list1 before deleting 
    print ("List1 before deleting is : "
    +  str(list1))
    # deleting list using clear()
    # Printing list1 after clearing
    print ("List1 after clearing using clear() : "
    + str(list1))
    # Printing list2 before deleting 
    print ("List2 before deleting is : "
     +  str(list2))
    # deleting list using reinitialization
    list2 = []
    # Printing list2 after reinitialization
    print ("List2 after clearing using reinitialization : "
    + str(list2))



    List1 before deleting is : [1, 2, 3]
    List1 after clearing using clear() : []
    List2 before deleting is : [5, 6, 7]
    List2 after clearing using reinitialization : []


  • Method #3 : Using “*= 0” : This is a lesser known method, but this method removes all elements of the list and makes it empty.
    # Python3 code to demonstrate 
    # clearing a list using
    # *= 0 method
    # Initializing lists
    list1 = [1, 2, 3]
    # Printing list1 before deleting 
    print ("List1 before deleting is : " + str(list1))
    # deleting list using *= 0
    list1 *= 0
    # Printing list1 after *= 0
    print ("List1 after clearing using *= 0: " + str(list1))


    List1 before deleting is : [1, 2, 3]
    List1 after clearing using *= 0: []


  • Method #4 : Using del : del can be used to clear the list elements in a range, if we don’t give a range, all the elements are deleted.


    # Python3 code to demonstrate 
    # clearing a list using
    # del method
    # Initializing lists
    list1 = [1, 2, 3]
    list2 = [5, 6, 7]
    # Printing list1 before deleting 
    print ("List1 before deleting is : " + str(list1))
    # deleting list1 using del
    del list1[:]
    print ("List1 after clearing using del : " + str(list1))
    # Printing list2 before deleting 
    print ("List2 before deleting is : " + str(list2))
    # deleting list using del
    del list2[:]
    print ("List2 after clearing using del : " + str(list2))


    List1 before deleting is : [1, 2, 3]
    List1 after clearing using del : []
    List2 before deleting is : [5, 6, 7]
    List2 after clearing using del : []

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