Flavors of Python

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Flavors of Python:

1) CPython: It is the standard flavor of Python. It can be used to work with C lanugage Applications.

2) Jython OR JPython: It is for Java Applications. It can run on JVM

3) IronPython: It is for C#.Net platform

4) PyPy: The main advantage of PyPy is performance will be improved because JIT compiler is available inside PVM.

5) RubyPython For Ruby Platforms

6) AnacondaPython It is specially designed for handling large volume of data processing.

Python Versions:

➽ Python 1.0V introduced in Jan 1994

➽ Python 2.0V introduced in October 2000

➽ Python 3.0V introduced in December 2008


Python 3 won’t provide backward compatibility to Python2 i.e there is no guarantee that Python2 programs will run in Python3.

Current versions

Python 3.8.2    Python 2.7.18

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