Generating random strings until a given string is generated
Given the string, the task is to generate the same string using the random combination of special character, numbers, and alphabets.
Examples :
Input : GFG Output :n4W mK7 k1x q;;, !g . . . . . GF, GFf GFp GFG Target matched after 167 iterations
, string.digits
, string.ascii_uppercase
are some of the common string constants present in the string module in Python, which are used here as dictionary. All these string constants are combined with other special characters like ‘ ., !?;:’ and are stored in a variable.
Approach : Simply run two loops and use random function provided by python. It will show all the possible combinations that can be provided by the random function and same thing will be done by the decrypt loop. At the end, it will show the same text as you have inserted when prompted to enter. It will match each random string with the given string. If both index matches then fix that index and iterate for the remaining.
Below is the implementation :
# Python program to generate and match # the string from all random strings # of same length # Importing string, random # and time modules import string import random import time # all possible characters including # lowercase, uppercase and special symbols possibleCharacters = string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits + string.ascii_uppercase + ' ., !?;:' # string to be generated t = "geek" # To take input from user # t = input(str("Enter your target text: ")) attemptThis = ''.join(random.choice(possibleCharacters) for i in range ( len (t))) attemptNext = '' completed = False iteration = 0 # Iterate while completed is false while completed = = False : print (attemptThis) attemptNext = '' completed = True # Fix the index if matches with # the strings to be generated for i in range ( len (t)): if attemptThis[i] ! = t[i]: completed = False attemptNext + = random.choice(possibleCharacters) else : attemptNext + = t[i] # increment the iteration iteration + = 1 attemptThis = attemptNext time.sleep( 0.1 ) # Driver Code print ( "Target matched after " + str (iteration) + " iterations" ) |
Output :
FyFJ .:YZ aubo . . . g56G gk6R g7Se gT o gD d gXek g0ek g ek . . gUek giek geek Target matched after 168 iterations