Java Program to Convert Octal Number to Decimal and vice-versa
In this program, you’ll learn to convert octal number to a decimal number and vice-versa using functions in Java.
Example 1: Program to Convert Decimal to Octal
public class DecimalOctal {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int decimal = 78;
int octal = convertDecimalToOctal(decimal);
System.out.printf("%d in decimal = %d in octal", decimal, octal);
public static int convertDecimalToOctal(int decimal)
int octalNumber = 0, i = 1;
while (decimal != 0)
octalNumber += (decimal % 8) * i;
decimal /= 8;
i *= 10;
return octalNumber;
When you run the program, the output will be:
78 in decimal = 116 in octal
This conversion takes place as:
8 | 78 8 | 9 -- 6 8 | 1 -- 1 8 | 0 -- 1 (116)
Example 2: Program to Convert Octal to Decimal
public class OctalDecimal {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int octal = 116;
int decimal = convertOctalToDecimal(octal);
System.out.printf("%d in octal = %d in decimal", octal, decimal);
public static int convertOctalToDecimal(int octal)
int decimalNumber = 0, i = 0;
while(octal != 0)
decimalNumber += (octal % 10) * Math.pow(8, i);
return decimalNumber;
When you run the program, the output will be:
116 in octal = 78 in decimal
This conversion takes place as:
1 * 82 + 1 * 81 + 6 * 80 = 78