PHP is_null

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PHP is_null

Summary: in this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use the PHP is_null() construct to check if a variable is null.

Introduction to the PHP is_null() construct

PHP is_null() accepts a variable and returns true if that variable is null. Otherwise, it returns false.

is_null(mixed $v): bool

Code language: PHP (php)

In this syntax, the $v is the variable to check. If $v doesn’t exist, the is_null() also returns true and issues a notice.

Since the is_null() is a language construct, not a function, you cannot call it via variable functions. For example, the following statement will result in an error:


$f = is_null;

Code language: PHP (php)

However, you can define a function that wraps the is_null() construct like this:


function isnull($v): bool
return is_null($v);

Code language: PHP (php)

Alternatively, you can define an arrow function, assign it to a variable, and use that variable function.


$isnull = fn($v) => is_null($v);

$color = null;
echo $isnull($color); // true

Code language: PHP (php)

PHP is_null() examples

The following example uses the is_null() construct and returns true because the $count variable doesn’t exist:



Code language: PHP (php)

This code also issues a notice:

Notice: Undefined variable: $count

Code language: PHP (php)

The following example uses the is_null() and returns true because the $count variable is null:


$count = null;
var_dump(is_null($count)); // true

Code language: PHP (php)

The following example uses the is_null() and returns false because the $count variable is not null:


$count = 1;
var_dump(is_null($count)); // false

Code language: PHP (php)

PHP is_null() with array

The following example uses the is_null() to check if the element with the key link is null or not. It returns true because the element doesn’t exist:


$colors = [
'text' => 'black',
'background' => 'white'


Code language: PHP (php)

It also returns a notice:

Notice: Undefined index: link

Code language: PHP (php)

PHP is_null() with string index

The following example uses the is_null() to check if the element at index 5 in the string $message is null or not:


$message = 'Hello';


Code language: PHP (php)

It returns false and issues a notice:

PHP Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 5

Code language: PHP (php)

PHP is_null(), equal opeartor (==), and identity operator (===)

The echo displays an empty string for the false value, which is not intuitive. The following defines a function that displays false as the string false instead of an empty string:


function echo_bool(string $title, bool $v): void
echo $title, "\t", $v === true ? 'true' : 'false', PHP_EOL;

Code language: PHP (php)

Comparing falsy values with null using equal operator (==)

Comparing a falsy value with null using the equal operator (==) will return true. For example:

The following example compares null with falsy values using the equal operator (==):


function echo_bool(string $title, bool $v): void
echo $title, "\t", $v === true ? 'true' : 'false', PHP_EOL;

echo_bool('null == false:', null == false);
echo_bool('null == 0:', null == 0);
echo_bool('null == 0.0:', null == 0.0);
echo_bool('null =="0":', null == false);
echo_bool('null == "":', null == '');
echo_bool('null == []:', null == []);
echo_bool('null == null:', null == null);

Code language: PHP (php)


null == false: true
null == 0: true
null == 0.0: true
null =="0": true
null == "": true
null == []: true
null == null: true

Code language: plaintext (plaintext)

Comparing falsy value with null using identity operator (===)

The following example uses the identity operator (===) to compare null with falsy values, only null === null returns true.


function echo_bool(string $title, bool $v): void
echo $title, "\t", $v === true ? 'true' : 'false', PHP_EOL;

echo_bool('null === false:', null === false);
echo_bool('null === 0:', null === 0);
echo_bool('null === 0.0:', null === 0.0);
echo_bool('null ==="0":', null === false);
echo_bool('null === "":', null === '');
echo_bool('null === []:', null === []);
echo_bool('null === null:', null === null);

Code language: plaintext (plaintext)


null === false: false
null === 0: false
null === 0.0: false
null ==="0": false
null === "": false
null === []: false
null === null: true

Code language: PHP (php)

Comparing falsy values with null using the PHP is_null()

The following example uses the is_null() to check if falsy values are null:


function echo_bool(string $title, bool $v): void
echo $title, "\t", $v === true ? 'true' : 'false', PHP_EOL;

echo_bool('is_null(false):', is_null(false));
echo_bool('is_null(0):', is_null(0));
echo_bool('is_null(0.0)', is_null(0.0));
echo_bool('is_null("0"):', is_null("0"));
echo_bool('is_null(""):', is_null(""));
echo_bool('is_null([]):', is_null([]));
echo_bool('is_null(null):', is_null(null));

Code language: PHP (php)


is_null(false): false
is_null(0): false
is_null(0.0) false
is_null("0"): false
is_null(""): false
is_null([]): false
is_null(null): true

Code language: PHP (php)

The is_null() and identity operator (===) return the same result.


  • The is_null() checks a value and returns true if that value is null. Otherwise, it returns false.
  • The is_null() behaves the same as the identity operator (===).

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