Python program that uses the copy() method to copy all elements of one array into another array:

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Python program that uses the copy() method to copy all elements of one array into another array:

import array as arr

def copy_array(arr1):
    # Create a new array with the same typecode as arr1
    arr2 = arr.array(arr1.typecode, [])
    # Copy all elements of arr1 to arr2
    return arr2

# Example usage
a = arr.array("i", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
b = copy_array(a)
print("Original array:", a)
print("New array:", b)

The function copy_array(arr1) takes an array as an argument. array.array() method is used to create a new array with the same typecode as the original array arr1 and an empty list as the initializer. The extend() method is used to copy all elements of the original array arr1 to the new array arr2. Finally, it returns the new array.

The example usage creates an array a and calls the copy_array() function to copy all elements of the array a to a new array b, and then it prints the original array and the new array.

You could also use copy() method from python copy module to make a shallow copy of the array, this method is also efficient and pythonic way of copying an array.

from copy import copy
def copy_array(arr1):
    return copy(arr1)

This method uses the copy() function from the copy module to make a shallow copy of the array, and then it returns the new array.

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