Python Program to Find Armstrong Number between an Interval

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Python Program to Find Armstrong Number between an Interval

We have already read the concept of Armstrong numbers in the previous program. Here, we print the Armstrong numbers within a specific given interval.

See this example:

  1. lower = int(input(“Enter lower range: “))
  2. upper = int(input(“Enter upper range: “))
  3. for num in range(lower,upper + 1):
  4.    sum = 0
  5.    temp = num
  6.    while temp > 0:
  7.        digit = temp % 10
  8.        sum += digit ** 3
  9.        temp //= 10
  10.        if num == sum:
  11.             print(num)

This example shows all Armstrong numbers between 100 and 500.


Python Condition And Loops11


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