python-@property Decorator

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@property Decorator

@property decorator allows us to define properties easily without calling the property() function manually.
Before learning about the @property decorator, let’s understand what is a decorator.

What is a decorator?

In Python, the function is a first-order object. It means that it can be passed as an argument to another function.
It is also possible to define a function inside another function. Such a function is called a nested function. Moreover, a function can return another function.

A decorator is a function that receives another function as argument. The behaviour of the argument function is extended by the decorator without actually modifying it.

The typical decorator function will look like below.

Decorator Function
def mydecoratorfunction(some_function): # function to be decorated passed as argument
    def wrapper_function(): # wrap the some_function and extends its behaviour
        # write code to extend the behaviour of some_function()
        some_function() # call some_function
        return wrapper_function # return wrapper function


In the above example, the some_function is a function whose behaviour we want to extend.
So, we will have to write a custom function like mydecoratorfunction(), which takes the some_function as an argument.
The wrapper_function() is an inner function where we can write additional code to extend the behaviour of the some_function, before or after calling it.
And finally, the wrapper_funtion() should be returned. In this way, Python includes decorator functions. Also, we can define our own decorator function to extend the behaviour of a function without modifying it.

Now, let’s take a simple example to demonstrate how to define a custom decorator function and its’ usage.
Consider the following simple function.


def display(str):


Now, let’s define a decorator function which modifies the output of the above display() function by prepending ‘Output:’ to the result of the display() function.

Example: Decorator Function
def displaydecorator(fn):
    def display_wrapper(str):
        print('Output:', end=" ")
    return display_wrapper


You can now decorate this function to extend its behaviour by passing it to the decorator.

>>> out=displaydecorator(display)
>>> out(‘Hello World’)
Output: Hello World

As you can see, ‘Output’ is prepended with the result of the display() function.
The displaydecorator() function is used to modify the behaviour of the display() function without modifying it.

Python includes the @[decorator_function_name] syntax to specify a decorator function.
We can specify @displaydecorator to the display() function to denote that the display() function is decorated with the displaydecorator() function, as shown below.

Example: @decorator
def display(str):


After applying the decorator @displaydecorator in the above example, we can directly call the display() function to get the extended behaviour, as shown below.

>>> display(‘Hello World’)
Output: Hello World

@property Decorator

@property decorator is a built-in decorator in Python for the property() function.

The following code uses the built-in @property decorator to define the name property in the person class.

Example: @property decorator
class person:
    def __init__(self):
    def name(self):
        return self.__name
    def name(self, value):


The above person class includes two methods with the same name name(), but with a different number of parameters.
This is called method overloading. The name(self) function is marked with the @property decorator which indicates that the name(self) method is a getter method and the name of the property is the method name only, in this case name.
Now, name(self, value) is assigning a value to the private attribute __name.
So, to mark this method as a setter method for the name property, the @name.setter decorator is applied.
This is how we can define a property and its getter and setter methods.

Now, we can access the name property without calling the getter or setter method manually, as shown below.

>>> p=person()

Use @[property-name].setter to call a setter method and @[property-name].deleter to call deleter method.

Example: @property decorator
class person:
    def __init__(self):
    def name(self):
        return self.__name
    def name(self, value):
    def name(self, value):
        del self.__name


The deleter would be invoked when you delete the property using keyword del, as shown below.

>>> p=person()
>>> del
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “<pyshell#16>”, line 1, in <module>
File “C:\Python37\”, line 6, in name
return self.__name
AttributeError: ‘person’ object has no attribute ‘_person__name’

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