Python | Remove empty tuples from a list

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Python | Remove empty tuples from a list

In this article, we will see how can we remove an empty tuple from a given list of tuples. We will find various ways, in which we can perform this task of removing tuples using various methods and ways in Python.

Input : tuples = [(), ('ram','15','8'), (), ('laxman', 'sita'), 
                  ('krishna', 'akbar', '45'), ('',''),()]
Output : [('ram', '15', '8'), ('laxman', 'sita'), 
          ('krishna', 'akbar', '45'), ('', '')]

Input : tuples = [('','','8'), (), ('0', '00', '000'), 
                 ('birbal', '', '45'), (''), (),  ('',''),()]
Output : [('', '', '8'), ('0', '00', '000'), ('birbal', '', 
          '45'), ('', '')]

Method 1: Using the concept of List Comprehension

# Python program to remove empty tuples from a 
# list of tuples function to remove empty tuples 
# using list comprehension
def Remove(tuples):
    tuples = [t for t in tuples if t]
    return tuples
# Driver Code
tuples = [(), ('ram','15','8'), (), ('laxman', 'sita'), 
          ('krishna', 'akbar', '45'), ('',''),()]


[('ram', '15', '8'), ('laxman', 'sita'), ('krishna', 
                           'akbar', '45'), ('', '')]

Method 2: Using the filter() method
Using the inbuilt method filter() in Python, we can filter out the empty elements by passing the None as the parameter. This method works in both Python 2 and Python 3 and above, but the desired output is only shown in Python 2 because Python 3 returns a generator. filter() is the faster than the method of list comprehension. Let’s see what happens when we run the program in Python 2.

# Python2 program to remove empty tuples
# from a list of tuples function to remove 
# empty tuples using filter
def Remove(tuples):
    tuples = filter(None, tuples)
    return tuples
# Driver Code
tuples = [(), ('ram','15','8'), (), ('laxman', 'sita'), 
          ('krishna', 'akbar', '45'), ('',''),()]
print Remove(tuples)


[('ram', '15', '8'), ('laxman', 'sita'), ('krishna', 'akbar', '45'), ('', '')]

Now let’s see what happens when we try running the program in Python 3 and above. On running the program in Python 3, as mentioned a generator is returned.

# Python program to remove empty tuples from 
# a list of tuples function to remove empty 
# tuples using filter
def Remove(tuples):
    tuples = filter(None, tuples)
    return tuples
# Driver Code
tuples = [(), ('ram','15','8'), (), ('laxman', 'sita'), 
          ('krishna', 'akbar', '45'), ('',''),()]
print (Remove(tuples))


<filter object at 0x7fe26eb0f3c8>

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