Python Program for simple interest

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Python Program for simple interest

Simple interest formula is given by:
Simple Interest = (P x T x R)/100
P is the principle amount
T is the time and
R is the rate


Input : P = 10000
        R = 5
        T = 5
Output :2500
We need to find simple interest on 
Rs. 10,000 at the rate of 5% for 5 
units of time.

Input : P = 3000
        R = 7
        T = 1
Output :210


# Python3 program to find simple interest
# for given principal amount, time and
# rate of interest.
# We can change values here for
# different inputs
P = 1
R = 1
T = 1
# Calculates simple interest 
SI = (P * R * T) / 100
# Print the resultant value of SI 
print("simple interest is", SI)
# This code is contributed by Azkia Anam.


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