Category: New Python tutorial

python tutorials and learn python

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Tkinter Sizegrip

Tkinter Sizegrip Summary: in this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use the Tkinter Sizegrip widget that allows you to resize the entire application window. Introduction to the Tkinter Sizegrip widget The Sizegrip widget typically locates in the bottom right corner of the window. It allows you to resize the enter application window: To create a…
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Tkinter Spinbox

Tkinter Spinbox Summary: in this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create Tkinter Spinbox widgets. Introduction to the Tkinter Spinbox widget A Spinbox widget allows you to select a value from a set of values. The values can be a range of numbers. A Spinbox has an area for showing the current value and a pair…
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Tkinter Slider

Tkinter Slider   Summary: in this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create a slider using the Tkinter Scale widget. Introduction to Tkinter slider widget A slider allows you to enter a value by moving an indicator. A slider can be vertical or horizontal: To create a slider, you’ll use the ttk.Scale() constructor as follows: ttk.Scale(container,from_,to)…
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Tkinter PanedWindow

Tkinter PanedWindow Summary: in this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use the Tkinter PanedWindow widget to divide the space of a frame or a window. Introduction to the Tkinter PanedWindow widget The PaneWindow widget divides the space of a frame or a window. A PaneWindow is like a Frame that acts as a container for…
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Tkinter Listbox

Tkinter Listbox Summary: in this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use the Tkinter Listbox widget to display a list of items. Introduction to the Tkinter Listbox A Listbox widget displays a list of single-line text items. A Listbox allows you to browse through the items and select one or multiple items at once. To create…
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Tkinter Combobox

Tkinter Combobox Summary: in this tutorial, you’ll learn to create a Tkinter Combobox widget that allows users to select one value from a set of values. Introduction to the Tkinter Combobox widget A Combobox is a combination of an Entry widget and a Listbox widget. A Combobox widget allows you to select one value in…
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Tkinter Radio Button

Tkinter Radio Button Summary: in this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use the Tkinter radio button widget to allow users to select between one of a number of mutually exclusive choices. Introduction to Tkinter radio buttons Radio buttons allow you to select between one of a number of mutually exclusive choices. Typically, you use radio…
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Tkinter Checkbox

Tkinter Checkbox Summary: in this tutorial, you’ll learn about the Tkinter Checkbox widget and how to use it effectively. Introduction to the Tkinter checkbox widget A checkbox is a widget that allows you to check and uncheck. A checkbox can hold a value and invoke a callback when it’s checked or unchecked. Typically, you use…
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Tkinter Separator

Tkinter Separator Summary: in this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use the Tkinter Separator widget to display a thin horizontal or vertical rule between groups of widgets. Introduction to the Tkinter Separator widget A separator widget places a thin horizontal or vertical rule between groups of widgets. To create a separator widget, you use the…
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Tkinter ScrolledText

Tkinter ScrolledText Summary: in this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use the Tkinter ScrolledText widget which consists of a Text widget and a vertical Scrollbar widget. Introduction to the Tkinter ScrolledText widget So far, you’ve learned how to create a Text widget and how to link a vertical Scrollbar to the text widget. To make…
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