JavaScript Class Expressions

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JavaScript Class Expressions

Summary: in this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use JavaScript class expressions to declare new classes.

Introduction to JavaScript class expressions

Similar to functions, classes have expression forms. A class expression provides you with an alternative way to define a new class.

A class expression doesn’t require an identifier after the class keyword. And you can use a class expression in a variable declaration and pass it into a function as an argument.

For example, the following defines a class expression:

let Person = class {
constructor(name) { = name;
getName() {

Code language: Python (python)

How it works.

On the left side of the expression is the Person variable. It’s assigned to a class expression.

The class expression starts with the keyword class followed by the class definition.

A class expression may have a name or not. In this example, we have an unnamed class expression.

If a class expression has a name, its name can be local to the class body.

The following creates an instance of the Person class expression. Its syntax is the same as if it were a class declaration.

let person = new Person('John Doe');

Code language: Python (python)

Like a class declaration, the type of a class expression is also a function:

console.log(typeof Person); // function

Code language: Python (python)

Similar to function expressions, class expressions are not hoisted. It means that you cannot create an instance of the class before defining the class expression.

First-class citizen

JavaScript classes are first-class citizens. It means that you can pass a class into a function, return it from a function, and assign it to a variable.

See the following example:

function factory(aClass) {
return new aClass();

let greeting = factory(class {
sayHi() { console.log('Hi'); }

greeting.sayHi(); // 'Hi'

Code language: Python (python)

How it works.

First, define a factory() function that takes a class expression as an argument and return the instance of the class:

function factory(aClass) {
return new aClass();

Code language: Python (python)

Second, pass an unnamed class expression to the factory() function and assign its result to the greeting variable:

let greeting = factory(class {
sayHi() { console.log('Hi'); }

Code language: Python (python)

The class expression has a method called sayHi(). And the greeting variable is an instance of the class expression.

Third, call the sayHi() method on the greeting object:

greeting.sayHi(); // 'Hi'

Code language: Python (python)


Singleton is a design pattern that limits the instantiation of a class to a single instance. It ensures that only one instance of a class can be created throughout the system.

Class expressions can be used to create a singleton by calling the class constructor immediately.

To do that, you use the new operator with a class expression and include the parentheses at the end of class declaration as shown in the following example:

let app = new class {
constructor(name) { = name;
start() {
console.log(`Starting the ${}...`);
}('Awesome App');

app.start(); // Starting the Awesome App...

Code language: Python (python)

How it works.

The following is an unnamed class expresion:

new class {
constructor(name) { = name;
start() {
console.log(`Starting the ${}...`);

Code language: Python (python)

The class has a constructor() that accepts an argument. It aslo has a method called start().

The class expression evaluates to a class. Therefore, you can call its constructor immediately by placing parentheses after the expression:

new class {
constructor(name) { = name;
start() {
console.log(`Starting the ${}...`);
}('Awesome App')

Code language: Python (python)

This expression returns an instance of the class expression which is assigned to the app variable.

The following calls the start() method on the app object:

app.start(); // Starting the Awesome App...

Code language: Python (python)


  • ES6 provides you with an alternative way to defining a new class using a class expression.
  • Class expressions can be named or unnamed.
  • The class expression can be used to create a singleton object.

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