JavaScript Number Type

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JavaScript Number Type

Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn about the JavaScript Number type and its useful methods for working with numbers effectively.

Introduction to JavaScript Number type

Besides the primitive number type, JavaScript also provides the Number reference type for numeric values.

To create a Number object, you use the Number constructor and pass in a number value as follows:

var numberObject = new Number(100);

Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

This example defined a numberObject with a numeric value of 100.

To get the  primitive value out of a Number object, you use the valueOf() method as follows:

console.log(numberObject.valueOf()); // 100

Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

To get a number value as a string, you use the toString() or toLocaleString() methods.

The toString() method accepts an optional argument that determines the radix in which to present the number. The radix (or base) is the number of unique digits that represent numbers in a positional numeral system.

For example, the decimal system uses ten digits from 0 through 9, therefore, the radix is 10.

See the following example:

var aNumber = new Number(10);
console.log(aNumber.toString()); // "10"

Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

In this example the aNumber has a primitive value of 10, therefore, the toString() method returns 10 in the decimal system.

However, the following example returns the binary form of the aNumber variable.

console.log(aNumber.toString(2)); // "1010"

Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

If you call a method on a primitive number value, JavaScript will convert it into a Number object temporarily. This feature is called primitive wrapper types in JavaScript. For example:

let x = 10;
console.log(x.toString(16)); // "a"

Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Formatting numbers

To format a number with a specified number of decimal points, you use the toFixed() method.

The toFixed() method accepts an argument that indicates how many decimal points should be used.


Code language: CSS (css)

The toFixed() method returns the corresponding string of the number using fixed-point notation. Here is an example.

var distance = 19.006
console.log(distance.toFixed(2)); // 19.01

distance = 19.004;
console.log(distance.toFixed(2)); // 19.00

Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

It’s important to note that web browsers may use rounding methods differently. Therefore, you should be careful when using the toFixed() method especially for applications that deal with monetary values.

To format a number in e-notation, you use the toExponential() method as shown in the following example.

var x = 10, y = 100, z = 1000;


// "1e+1"
// "1e+2"
// "1e+3"

Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

To get a string representation of a number object to the specified precision, you use the toPrecision() method.


Code language: CSS (css)

The precision argument determines the number of significant digits.

The toPrecision() method returns the string representation of a Number object in exponential notation or fixed point rounded to precision significant digits.

Notice that if you omit the precision argument, the toPrecision() method will behave like the toString() method. See the following examples:

let x = 9.12345;

console.log(x.toPrecision()); // '9.12345'
console.log(x.toPrecision(4)); // '9.123'
console.log(x.toPrecision(3)); // '9.12'
console.log(x.toPrecision(2)); // '9.1'
console.log(x.toPrecision(1)); // '9'

Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

The e-notation may be returned in some cases for example:

x = 123.5;
console.log(x.toPrecision(2)); // "1.2e+2"

Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

JavaScript Number object vs. primitive number

The following table illustrates the differences between a Number object and a primitive number:

 OperatorNumber objectNumber value
 typeof "object" "number"
 instanceof Number true false

And here are examples:

let numberObject = new Number(10);
let number = 10;

// typeof
console.log(typeof numberObject);
console.log(typeof number);
// instanceof
console.log(numberObject instanceof Number); // true
console.log(number instanceof Number); // false

Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

In this tutorial, you have learned about the Number type and some useful methods for formatting numbers.

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