JavaScript cloneNode

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JavaScript cloneNode

Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to use the JavaScript cloneNode() method to clone an element.

The cloneNode() is a method of the Node interface that allows you to clone an element:

let clonedNode = originalNode.cloneNode(deep);

Code language: JavaScript (javascript)



The cloneNode() method accepts an optional parameter deep:

  • If the deep is true, then the original node and all of its descendants are cloned.
  • If the deep is false, only the original node will be cloned. All the node’s descendants will not be cloned.

The deep parameter defaults to false if you omit it.


The originalNode is the element to be cloned.

Return value

The cloneNode() returns a copy of the originalNode.

Usage notes

Besides the DOM structure, the cloneNode() copies all attributes and inline listeners of the original node. However, it doesn’t copy the event listeners added via addEventListener() or assignment to element’s properties such as originalNode.onclick = eventHandler().

If you clone a node with an id attribute and place the cloned node in the same document, the id will be duplicate. In this case, you need to change the id before adding it to the DOM tree.

JavaScript cloneNode() example

The following example uses the cloneNode() method to copy the <ul> element and place it in the same document:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>JavaScript cloneNode() Demo</title>
<ul id="menu">
let menu = document.querySelector('#menu');
let clonedMenu = menu.cloneNode(true); = 'menu-mobile';

Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

How it works.

  • First, select the <ul> with the id menu by using the querySelector() method.
  • Second, create a deep clone of the <ul> element using the cloneNode() method.
  • Third, change the id of the cloned element to avoid duplicate.
  • Finally, append the cloned element to the child nodes of the document.body using the appendChild() method.



  • Use the node.cloneNode() method to clone the node.
  • Pass true into the cloneNode() method to create a deep clone of a DOM element.

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