Python String Methods

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Python String Methods

This section provides you with useful Python string methods that help you manipulate strings more effectively.

Concatenating & Splitting strings

These methods allow you to concatenate strings into one string and split a string into substrings effectively.

join()Return a string that is the concatenation of strings in an iterable.
concatReturn a string that is the result of a concatenation of two or more strings.
split()Return a list of substring split from the string by a delimiter.

Finding substrings

These methods allow you to locate a substring in a string and return the index of the substring.

index()Return the index of a substring in a string or raise a ValueError if the substring not found.
find()Return the index of the first occurrence of a substring in a string or -1 if the substring not found.
startswith()Return True if a string starts with another string.
endswith()Return True if a string ends with another string.

Dealing with string cases

These methods help you deal with string cases effectively including lowercase, uppercase, titlecase, and casefold.

lower()Return a copy of a string in lowercase
upper()Return a copy of a string in uppercase.
title()Return a copy of a string in the titlecase.
capitalize()Return a string with the first letter converted to uppercase and other letters converted to lowercase.
islower()Return True if all cased characters in the string are lowercase and there’s at least one cased character.
istitle()Return True if the string follows the title case rules.
isupper()Return True if all the cased characters in the string are uppercase and there’s at least one cased character.
casefold()Return a casefolded copy of the string.
swapcase()Return a copy of the string with all lowercase characters converted to uppercase and vice versa

Removing unwanted characters

These methods allow you to remove leading and/or trailing unwanted characters from a string and return a new string.

lstrip()Return a copy of a string with leading characters removed.
rstrip()Return a copy of a string with trailing characters removed.
strip()Return a copy of a string with leading and trailing characters removed.

Replacing substrings

replace()Return a copy of a string with some or all occurrences of a substring replaced with a new one.

Checking characters in Strings

isdigit()Return True if all characters in a string are digits.
isdecimal()Return True if all characters in a string are decimal characters.
isnumeric()Return True if all characters in a string are numeric characters.
isalpha()Return True if all characters in a string are alphabetic characters.
isalnum()Return True if all characters in a string are alphanumeric characters.


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